Sunday, 25 September 2016

Made With Hope

Hi guys,

Thank you again for taking the time to visit my blog and to read it.

A few posts ago I wrote about a beautiful charity that I like to help out with called Made With Hope which was founded by the lovely Eleanor. I just wanted to give you guys a bit of an update with their progress since my last post and help spread the work about the wonderful work that they do.

I mentioned in my previous post that Made With Hope were now looking for funds to help build a school along with the orphanage that they have already built. I'm really pleased to say that building work on the school has now started and the locals are working really hard on building the school. Of course none of this is possible without people donating generously towards the cause and the hard work that goes on behind the scenes from Eleanor as well as her volunteers who have worked amazingly hard to make the charity as successful as it is today.

Below are some of the pictures of the locals who are helping helping to build the school at the moment:

I have to say I think this is a really special achievement by Made With Hope because it takes a lot of hard work, dedication, time effort and commitment to try and make a dream a reality. But I guess you could say these pictures are showing that dreams can become realities. First of all it was Eleanor's dream that she could help to provide the facilities that these young children need in order to try and establish a fulfilling life for themselves and to give them opportunities they probably never thought they could have. Secondly it is the dream of the children themselves to be given those opportunities because a school and an education can help a child better themselves in the long run. Education is very important and I really like the fact the Made With Hope are striving so hard to help provide this!

Another thing that Made With Hope has introduced since my last blog post is an orphan sponsor scheme which has worked really well so far. Made With Hope have managed to secure 24 donors to help sponsor all the children they have in their care. This includes helping to provide for their food, accommodation and education. The sponsorship scheme has also created the chance to get to know the orphans that we have sponsored and this can be done by sending letters to them as well as presents. Eleanor is planning to visit the orphanage within the next month or 2 and lots of the donor have given presents and letters to the children they sponsor. Below is picture of Eleanor and the team who have packaged all the lovely gifts together.

This project is another aspect of Made With Hope that I know Eleanor and the team have put a lot of effort into and it is fantastic to know that all the orphans have been sponsored. From this picture I think that is also very nice to see other children involved too!

Another project that Made With Hope have undertaken since my last article was working with a class full of 8 year olds at Hudsfield Primary School in which they did a project. The class did a sponsored walk for Made With Hope's Water is Life project. The children of Y3/4 at Hurdsfield Primary school in Macclesfield, Cheshire did a sponsored walk carrying a 2 litre bottle of water to represent the struggles some children have ...collecting and carrying water each day in Africa. Their amazing efforts raised £150 to buy a water filter to provide clean safe drinking water for children in the rural village of Nadasoito, Tanzania, Africa. Not only have these children done something amazing and raised £150 for Made With Hope, I really like this project because of what it can teach our children here in the UK. It teaches us love, compassion, empathy, not to take things we have for granted and to always look after those who are less fortunate then ourselves. If we can teach these qualities to our children then I hope the world will become a more prosperous, peaceful and better place. For more information on this project please click here

Another project they have done is about Sanitation which can be a huge problem as they can cause fatal diseases such as Diarrohea and for small children whose bodies are not strong enough to fight them this can make it even harder. To try and prevent them from contacting these diseases Made With Hope have built a washroom containing 4 toilets and 4 showers which gives the children a safe and private place to use. For more information on this project please click here

I didn't mention this on my previous post but one of the things the I really like about Made With Hope is the name of the charity itself but in particular the word hope. Lots of people need hope at one point or other in their lives and hope is what a beautiful charity like Made With Hope is continuously offering. Through the hard work of Eleanor, the volunteers and staff in Tanzania and importantly our supporters. hope is what they are all helping to give the children. Hope for a better life for them in future, hope they will achieve their dreams and hope for an education. I believe every good action undertaken by the charity. I believe that hope is at the forefront of every action this charity carries out.

Below I have listed the contact details for Made With Hope if you guys have any questions or want any further information. Donations can be made via the Made With Hope website or via the Facebook page. Even if you can't donate then please help support Made With Hope by liking them on Facebook, following them on Twitter and Instagram and helping to spread the word about this wonderful charity.

Twitter: @MadeWithHopeUK

Thanks for reading guys.


Sunday, 11 September 2016


Hi guys,

Thank you again for visiting my blog.

A few of you may know from my first few blog posts on this blog that I have suffered from mental health issues before. Mental health is a subject that I feel very passionate about mainly because of what I have been through in the past and it has made me have an understanding of what it can be like living with a mental health issue as the struggles that can come with it.

I often post tweets on Twitter relating to mental health and take part in mental health chats to try and see if I can offer support and compassion to those who need it. One of the chats that I have been involved in on the last couple of weeks is #TalkMH . The chat was going relatively well until one person commented that "just go for a walk". For a person who has mental health issues a comment like that can be incredibly insulting because mental health is real and it exists and it doesn't get cured by just going for a walk.

The fact of the matter is that going for a walk can help in the short term as it may help clear your head but in the long term it doesn't because the mental health issues are still there when you get back. I guess however before I had my issues regarding mental health I could have thought exactly the same thing but that would have been due to my own ignorance and lack of understanding. Since I have experienced mental health myself I have understood it a lot better. It just goes to show that stigma still exists but I was very proud of the way the mental health community reacted and the support they showed. It was incredible to see the response and the way everyone came together to let this person know that mental health doesn't get cured by just going for a walk. Not only that the way mental health community supported each other was fantastic. I'm very proud to be part of the mental health community on Twitter.

One thing I feel that it does emphasise though is the need for education. I feel the mental health community need to educate others what it is like to live with a mental health condition. Not only that I think other people who don't have mental health conditions can educate themselves and I have listed below a few tips of how they can do this:

1. Read established books about mental health
2. Read blogs about mental health
3. Ask relevant and informative questions and engage in discussion anyone you know who suffers from a mental health condition so that you can gain understanding. Some people with mental health issues are so friendly so please don't be afraid to ask!
4. Take part in the #TalkMH or #Mhchat chat on Twitter just as long as you are sensitive and go in there with an open mind and do be hurtful or insulting. #Mhchat takes place on Wednesdays at 8pm and #Talkmh takes place on Thursdays 8:30pm

If any of you want to know anything more about mental health you guys are more then welcome to leave comments here or contact me on Twitter @falidude

Finally I just want to leave you with this link to an awesome Youtube video that Rich put on in response to #justgoforawalk If any of you guys would like to follow Rich you can do on Twitter @RichBiscuit21. The link also takes you to his Google + page.

Thanks for reading guys and I hope you found this post useful and have a good weekend.


Monday, 5 September 2016

Bolton half marathon

Hi guys,

Thank you again for visiting my page and I hope you are all well.

Yesterday was a pretty tiring and eventful day. It started off by me waking around 7:30am in order to get the taxi to the train station at 8:15 in preparation for the Bolton half marathon that was meant to start at 10am. I was quite eager for the race.

I got to Bolton around 9:20 and I made the short trip from the train station to the starting point which was only a few minutes away. The first thing that struck me was that it was fairly quiet for a half marathon but I guess that was either because it was Bolton's first in around 30 years or that there were loads of other races going on over that weekend such as the Wigan 10k.

I also met my fellow Red Rose Road Runner Sarah who was also at the race and it was nice to see a familiar face there and we wished each other well. The standard runner does a pre-race trip to the loo and the queues are normally ages and it was no different here. Met a guy called Steve and he told me about how amazing the Soleus GPS watches are. Might need to invest in one of these bad boys.

The race started bang on 10am and we crossed the starting line. The long race had began and it was time to get going. I had not had a look at the route beforehand but there was a slight hill even on the first mile. Most of my fellow runners including myself tend to hate running up hills and I thought put the hills at the end.

My body was already beginning to hurt but I don't think it was because of the hill because it hurted before that but I carried on through the pain and I eventually found a good rhythm and my pace was good too. As we turned the corner and ran towards river there was 2 huge downward hills and I thought yes love downward hills. I tried to run a bit faster on these parts to pick up the speed and that was one of the best parts of the race. I didn't know at that point that we would have to run back up them on the 11th mile.

Running by the river was amazing. Some of you may know that I also love nature and the outdoors so the view to me was scenic and beautiful which made that part of the race quite enjoyable for me. We had passed the 3rd mile and just a few hundred yards down I saw a sign saying 10 miles so I knew they had planned the route to come back along the same way.

The race carried on and we had a few more small hills. For a runner a small hill can however seem like a mountain but I guess it can make you realise how mentally tough you can be. We got to the 6th mile and I was looking forward to getting at least half way through and we were only half a mile away. At the point I was still running at a good rhythm and good pace but was unsure whether or not I would be able to carry this on over the second half of the race.

From somewhere I managed to keep the same pace and as we approached the 9th mile I checked the time and it was 11:37 and I could really beat my personal best here (pb). My previous pb was 2 hours 30 mins so I had 53 mins to run 4.1 miles. I was confident but I also know how races can take unexpected turns and sometimes your body can totally run out of energy. I was determined to get the pb. I was determined to get one at the start of the race but now I believed I could do it.

Along we went by the river again past the 10 miles sign that I previously saw and the woman behind me commented it's just a parkrun now. For anyone who doesn't know parkrun is a 3 mile run that takes place on a Saturday morning up and down the country. Mentally this helped me and gave me some encouragement that the end was near.

Now my legs were feeling very painful and by now I had resorted to going at a gentle slow jog pace but I was determined not to stop as I had not stopped once during the whole race even on the hills. I even asked the marshalls where mile 11 was because by now I wanted the race to end. The long run along the river had now ended and now it was time to tackle the 2 big hills that we had previously seen at the start with a smaller hill before. To be honest I didn't know whether or not I would have been able to carry on with the gentle jog up these hills without stopping but I wanted to give it my best and wanted to try. With some grit and determination I got to the top without stopping but my legs were very tired but the hard part was over and now it was flat or downhill. I just knew that I had to keep putting one foot in front of the other. It was hard but I kept going.

Got passed the 12 mile and there was only 1.1 miles left. Nearly there! I realised we were probably heading back in the same direction which meant another downward hill. I was looking forward to the finish now. A few mins from the finish line, saw a Cafe Nero and thought post race refreshment is now sorted. Love the frapes there but had a milkshake this time.

As I passed Cafe Nero there was only a few hundred yards left and turned the corner into the finishing straight and I was trying to get the crowd to raise the noise as I normally like to do but as I crossed the finishing line I saw the time and I was completely shocked 2 hours 19 mins but my official finishing time was 2 hours 18 mins as I had started the race near the middle/end of the crowd which meant I was slightly delayed. Had my hands on my head completely stunned and shocked but so happy. I thought I would have been happy beating my pb by a few mins but 12 mins was quite overwhelming. I had a huge smile on my face and it actually made quite emotional in a happy way. No I didn't cry by the way.

I also saw Sarah again after the race and she also got a pb and I was so pleased for her and she had done amazing too and I was happy to share the moment with another team member!

One thing runners tend to like is a bit of bling aka the medal at the end and here is a pic.

To top the day off I also had an event in Manchester which I ended up getting lost on the way to the venue made me late but looking back now it was pretty funny.

All in all a tiring day but I was glad to be out and about.

Thanks for reading guys. Feel free to leave any comments.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter @falidude
